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How to Turn Off Hardware Acceleration in Google Chrome

Manoj Pandey 3291 28-Apr-2015

Google Chrome supports GPU hardware acceleration, which means it doesn't need to rely solely on the CPU to render web pages. "Hardware Acceleration" (GPU Rendering) is one of the newly introduced features in Google Chrome and Thunderbird. It was introduced to increase performance but some chrome and Thunderbird users may want to disable it as the text might not look well on their screens. Turn Off Hardware Acceleration to Improve Video Quality.

Some cases it’s create problem for us such as when we open chrome, its takes
much time etc. Here I am telling you to turn off Hardware Acceleration

1.      Open Google chrome

2.      Now click the icon with the three horizontal lines at the top-right of the
window. It says Customize and control Google Chrome when you hover over it. 

How to Turn Off Hardware Acceleration in Google Chrome

3.      Click the Settings option near the bottom of the menu. 

How to Turn Off Hardware Acceleration in Google Chrome 

4.      Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the Show advanced settings link. 

How to Turn Off Hardware Acceleration in Google Chrome 

5.      Now scroll to the bottom of the page again, then click the box to the left of
Use hardware acceleration when available to remove the check mark. 

How to Turn Off Hardware Acceleration in Google Chrome

 Close Chrome and then restart it for the changes to take effect.

Updated 07-Sep-2019

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